H2H Churches
House To House Churches
How We start Churches All Over The USA
Anyone can start a church! Here are the faith steps you can take to start a House to House Church with StoneWater USA.
Salvation In
Our process starts with salvation in Jesus. God uniquely created you for a purpose. You can have a real relationship with Him. Jesus can save you today. We want to show you!
Let’s celebrate! It’s time for baptism now the Jesus saved you. Invite your friends and family to a baptism party at your home. We will help you!
Dream Big and Go for It! Imagine having church at your home to reach your friends and community for Jesus. It may start small but dream big! We will equip you!
The Dream Team has been praying and planning and now’s the big day of starting your House to House Church. Church is not a building. It’s people! We will walk with you!
Jesus Can Change Your Life TODAY!
Planning A Baptism Party
Your decision to follow Jesus should be celebrated with your close family, friends and neighbors. You decide the location (your home or public place like a lake, river or beach). There will be plenty of food and drinks and a special time of you telling your God Story of what Jesus has done in your life. We will be there to baptize you, and we will give your guests an opportunity to follow Jesus and be baptized too. It all begins with salvation in Jesus, and the next step is having a Baptism Party. Contact us and we will help you plan your Baptism Party.